Fallin Transport

Stirling Council operates transport for our young people resident in Fallin and Throsk.  Pupils have been allocated to a specific bus (ie Hunters or First Bus). It is imperative that the pupils arrive in time at the designated bus stop to allow them to access the correct bus which transports them to Wallace HS.


Pupil Acceptable Standards Statement (PASS)

Important Information for All Pupils Using School Transport


Your school journey is made using transport provided by Stirling Council Education. We want to make sure that this journey is as comfortable, pleasant and, above all, as safe as it can be.

To do this, we need to work together in partnership. This statement sets out what you can expect from Stirling Council and the transport operators we work with. It will also explain what we require from you if you want to use this transport service, whether you travel to school on a contracted bus, taxi or by local service bus with a season ticket.

Please read this leaflet carefully. It is important that you know what your rights are responsibilities are. If you use school transport provided by Stirling Council then you are agreeing to behave in a responsible way on the school journey. Failure to do so may result in your right to (free) school transport being removed.

Our Aims

Stirling Council works with many different transport operators to provide its school transport service. We want to ensure that everyone using this service is satisfied with it. You can expect that:

  • We will provide safe, fit for purpose transport
  • We will aim to provide service that run on time and are not over full
  • We will provide a safe, welcoming environment so that the journey is pleasant for everyone on the vehicle – pupils, employee and members of the public
  • We will encourage transport operators to ensure that all staff are properly trained, helpful and courteous
  • We will investigate and complaints quickly and take appropriate action
  • We will monitor behaviour on all vehicles using various methods, including CCTV, and work closely with operators, schools and parents if any pupil travelling on school transport is found to be misbehaving
  • We will, where possible, integrate school transport and local bus services to benefit not only pupils but also local communities

Your Responsibilities

  • You should only use your allocated vehicle, arrive at your pick up point on time and always carry your season ticket or boarding pass
  • You must not distract the driver and once the journey has started you should remain in your seat at all times, wearing a seatbelt where this is provided
  • You must not smoke, vape or consume food or drink on the vehicle, and should ensure that you do not leave litter or your personal belongings on the vehicle when you leave
  • You should ensure that the aisles are kept clear of any baggage
  • You must not damage or misuse any part of the vehicle. You and your parent/carer may he held liable to pay for any such damage
  • You should always listen to instructions given by the driver or other members of staff
  • You must not shout, annoy, bully or harass any other person on the vehicle, Bad behaviour on the school journey will not be tolerated

Your Rights

  • You have the right to feel safe and secure on your school journey. If you have concerns about behaviour on the vehicle or any other difficulties, you should report this to your school as soon as it happens so that action can be taken
  • You have the right to expect a high quality service. If you feel that this is not the case, you or your parents should contact the operator of the service
  • If you are not satisfied or if you wish to report any issues on safety or behaviour that have not been resolved by the operator, please contact Transport Coordination on 01786 237503 or email transportcoordination@stirling.gov.uk. Issues about pupil behaviour should be reported to the school

Antisocial and Bad Behaviour

Most pupils behave well on school journeys, but unfortunately there are a few who misbehave and put the safety of others and the vehicle at risk. The transport provider is required to report instances of any antisocial or bad behaviour on school transport directly to the school who will deal with any issues raised. The school will fully investigate any reports. Parents/carers will be contacted and in serious cases, the police. Parents/carers may be held liable to pay for any damage caused to any vehicle. If appropriate, misbehaving pupils will be refused school transport and it will then become the parent/carer’s responsibility to provide transport to and from school.

Need any further information?

If either you or your parent/carer want to find out anything more about the transport service we provide, please do not hesitate to contact us. For information about Stirling Council’s School Travel Policy, please go to https://www.stirling.gov.uk/media/c4kfksg1/school-transport-policy.pdf

For information about specific operators and services, contact the operator directly (contact details will be on your season ticket/boarding pass or on the letter to parents offering school transport) or call Transport Coordination on 01786 237503.

For timetable information, please check our website.

Click on the image below to review the bus timetable and other appropriate information relating to the transport provision.