Promoting Positive Behaviour:
Expectations and Consequences


We expect a great deal of our young people at Wallace High School. This includes the highest standards of effort, conduct, courtesy, work and dress. We also wish for pupils to participate in school life and to enjoy their time at school.

A POSITIVE ATTITUDE should be evident when pupils are in school or doing work for school.

In Wallace High, a positive attitude to school is much more important than individual ability but a positive attitude only exists if it is evident.

Evidence of a positive attitude will be:

  • wearing the full school uniform
  • showing respect for school resources and property
  • attending punctually
  • working hard on classwork and homework.


Failing to meet the high expectations we have for all members of our community will have consequences depending on the gravity and/or frequency of the action. Some examples are:

  1. verbal reprimand
  2. detention (interval or start of lunch)
  3. withdrawal of privileges (e.g. clubs/discos/trips etc.)
  4. referral to a Faculty Leader
  5. parents being contacted
  6. referral to a Depute Head Teacher
  7. referral to the Head Teacher
  8. parental meeting with appropriate senior member of staff
  9. exclusion from school

Specific Rules

Certain rules are taken for granted in Wallace High.

To ensure that all pupils maximise their potential and take collective responsibility for supporting others' learning and enjoyment of school we expect all pupils to: 

  • attend school regularly and on time
  • take care of their own health and safety
  • do nothing to jeopardise others’ health and safety
  • behave appropriately at all times in and around school and on transport to and from school
  • show respect for all members of staff, other pupils and visitors
  • accept the authority of all staff in school
  • keep the school litter and graffiti free
  • take care of books, jotters and other materials and carry them in a suitable bag
  • use mobile phones appropriately and only at intervals / lunchtimes (unless for educational use)
  • behave appropriately when leaving the school and going into the local community

Special Notes

The changing nature of the influences on young people now makes it necessary for us to clarify our school’s policy on certain aspects of adolescent life. During their time in school, pupils’ focus must be on learning, sustaining effort and adopting a positive attitude.

Personal Relationships

In school we expect all pupils to adhere to appropriate personal contact and respect others.

Personal Items

Expensive jewellery, personal electronic equipment (such as mobile phones, personal laptops) are brought to school at the individual’s risk. Neither the school nor the education authority carries insurance for loss, theft or damage to such items. Mobile Phones and Laptops (personal) etc. are only ever permitted in class for educational use and will be confiscated if used without permission.

Social Media

There has been a disturbing rise in the number of issues that have surfaced in schools (nationally) as a result of pupils using Social Media inappropriately. Pupils should ensure that issues caused or exacerbated by such activities are not brought into school. They should also be aware that malicious use of such communications can result in criminal prosecution.

School Transport

Transport companies have the responsibility to ensure that journeys to and from school are safe and comfortable. Pupils whose behaviour on school buses is a threat to the safety and comfort of others could be permanently excluded from accessing school transport. This also applies to smoking and vaping which, on public transport, is an offence.