Wallace High News

Stirling Instrumental Music Instruction

As we continue to move forward with a resumption of school activity, music instrumental instruction will be delivered by Stirling Council with the following protocols:

 - Class based lessons - only taking place in high schools, priority given to SQA pupils.
 - Remote online lessons - group lessons, minimum of 2 pupils, tutor online remotely, lessons recorded as part of safeguarding procedures, using Google Meet - permissions sought by tutors

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Head Teacher's Update Monday 11th May 2020

Dear families,

I hope you all enjoyed a pleasant holiday weekend and, most importantly, that you continue to stay safe and well at this time. I want to ensure we keep you up-to-date with all supports/key information and so I have provided relevant updates under key headers below:

Encouraging Engagement for All

Thanks to all parents/carers for your on-going support in helping young people to engage as best they can

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Review of Additional Support for Learning

Dear Parents/Carers

In November we shared that the Scottish Government is conducting a review of additional support for learning. The review is founded on a continued commitment to a presumption to mainstreaming and on the need to ensure that children and young people’s additional support needs are met. This will enable them to reach their full potential, with learning provision that best suits their needs. The review is being led

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Contact Us

Call: 01786 462166
Email: wallacehs@stirling.gov.uk

Wallace High School
Airthrey Road

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