Review of Additional Support for Learning

Dear Parents/Carers

In November we shared that the Scottish Government is conducting a review of additional support for learning. The review is founded on a continued commitment to a presumption to mainstreaming and on the need to ensure that children and young people’s additional support needs are met. This will enable them to reach their full potential, with learning provision that best suits their needs. The review is being led by Angela Morgan. She will consider current evidence and engage with a range of people and groups to identify good practice and areas for further improvement in the ways that children and young people with additional support needs progress in their learning. 

The online review was open until Dec 2019 and some of you will have provided feedback through this, however we appreciate that not all parents/carers will have the opportunity to do this, therefore Stirling Council have organised a focus group exclusively for local parents and carers. Angela Morgan’s colleague, Joanna McCreadie will lead the focus group. The focus group will be held on Thursday 16th January from 1pm-2pm in Raploch Community Campus, Rooms 4 and 5. Parents/carers are asked to confirm their attendance by emailing their name to by Monday 13th January 2020.

Date:  16.01.20

Time: 1pm-2pm

Venue: Raploch Community Campus, Stirling, FK8 1SD

RSVP: by 13.01.20



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Wallace High School
Airthrey Road

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